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School Council Election Results! And The Winners Are……….

Election fever struck Castle View last week as the children took to the polling booths to elect their new school council. To prepare the children, Mrs Eason held an assembly about democracy and what the role of school councillor entails. The children excitedly  returned to their classes to decide who was going to stand for election.

Thursday saw the hall transformed into a polling station with real polling booths kindly lent to us  by Derbyshire Dales District Council.

There were some amazing topical discussions about politics from year 4 in particular who likened the ballot to the current presidential election in America!

Staff and Children from every class from Reception through to Year 6 cast their vote. There were some very close results in some classes but the results are in…. Ladies and Gentlemen here they are.. Castle View Primary School Council 2016!!

Well done everybody!!

Successful Candidates: Lola, Patrick,Chloe, Erin, Kasey, Cameron,Ella, Ava, Brooke, Jack, Abigail, Milly, Alfie and Harvey.

Below: Staff and Children cast their vote in a secret ballot…

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Castle View Primary School - Matlock