The Government have allocated funding for every school in England to be given money that must be directly used to enhace the Physical Education of all it’s pupils. This money is for not only developing sports provision but to encourage and develop pupils in leading healthier lifestyles. Below is how the money was spent last year and the impact that this has had on pupils.
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety
Year 6 Cohort – 2023/2024 Swimming Results
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres? 43%
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort use a range of strokes effectively [for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke]? 43%
What percentage of your current Year 6 cohort perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations? 86%