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Blending in!

Year 4 have been learning to re-create art using Lui Bolin’s techniques, they have learned … 

  • To understand Lui Bolin’s techniques and influences on his artwork.
  • To re-create his artwork using the same techniques to represent a homeless person in society.
  • To apply understanding of primary and secondary colours to immerse the person into the back ground.

Liu Bolin is a Chinese performance artist and photographer known for immersing himself in environments for his work, earning him the nickname “The Invisible Man.” Liu’s Hiding in the city series obscures the artist by way of paint as camouflage, a “silent protest” as a form of social and political critique of his country’s practices in the years since its Cultural Revolution. Liu’s painted body fades into his landscapes.

The children used the same concept  for their artwork by immersing a homeless person into the backgrounds using the same techniques. 

To find out more about Liu Bolin click here

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Castle View Primary School - Matlock