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Sports Day

There’s never a dull moment at Castle View and Sports Day was no exception!

The children spent the morning taking part in a series of activities earning points for their teams, followed by the whole school coming together to watch the  Year 6 V Teachers rounders’ match, from which the teachers emerged victorious.

After lunch we were joined by friends and family for the main event -The Races.

Just as the first children got into position and Mrs Peat began to announce the first race, the heavens opened! After a quick rendition of Happy Birthday to Mr Rees the sun re-appeared and we were off! Unfortunately the rain didn’t stay away for long but the children were determined to carry on, so brollies up, tarpaulins out and on we went!

Everyone took part and really gave it their all, from the 2 year old’s from nursery right through to the teachers (who are very competitive!).

The scores are in and are as follows: Yellow Lions in 4th place with 124 points, Red Dragons in 3rd place with  125 points, Blue Sharks in 3rd with 137 points and in first place Green Crocs with 152 points.

The Green Crocs were presented with their medals by Chair of Governors Helen Boocock and they are wearing them with pride!


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Castle View Primary School - Matlock