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Y4 Adventurers Visit Mount Cook

Year 4 are learning all about survival skills in their topic ‘Castaway’ They’ve been researching survival expert Bear Grylls and they followed in his footsteps during their visit to Mount Cook. Here are a few of the activities they took part in and survival skills that they’ve learnt:

Orienteering: learning basic map skills, developing our knowledge of reading maps and navigating using a compass. We found the checkpoints and worked out the clues. This activity is great for communicating and working together as a team.

Bushcraft We learned how to survive using resources naturally found in the wilderness. From building dens, natural navigation and back­woods cookery. Rounded off with toasting marshmallows on the campfire! Bush craft encourages team­work, leadership and rapid decision ­making.

Archery We unleashed our inner Robin Hood and learned to shoot a modern re­curve bow! By the end of the session, everyone was consistently hitting the target from 10 metres away. This activity is perfect for developing self-discipline, concentration and coordination.

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Castle View Primary School - Matlock